Remote Learning Hybrid Program - UNAVAILABLE
OT For Kidz is a Remote Learning Satellite Site!
We provide parents with an option to bring their child to a place which their child can have access to participate in their remote learning with supervision when their child is required to participate remotely at home. Children participate in their learning activities and connect with their teachers in their own learning space.
What so different about our Remote Learning Hybrid Site?
The owners of OT for Kidz are both Occupational Therapists! Like all programs at our facility, they also designed this one. Our facility is also a "sensory gym" that is designed to facilitate calm bodies and active minds for learning readiness. Embedded in our remote learning program are the following:
Seating Arrangements
There is a controlled amount of children in our spacious room . Each child will sit at their own social distance desk area separated from their peers with table guards. Children must bring their own ear phones for their own devices. This helps to reduce auditory distractions for all the children in-room but also reduces the speaker to listener distance to help your child listen to their teacher remotely. Each child have enough space to accommodate their device and materials.
Sensory Breaks
Sensory breaks helps to decrease impulsiveness for calm bodies and increase active minds for focus. Incorporated in our program are group stay-in-space morning and midday workout regime. If need be, other strategies may be provided as we can utilize our sensory gyms for more intense sensory breaks (although this is not a substitute for therapy). Breaks are also important for limiting screen time to help maintain a healthy brain!
Alternative Seating
Children have the option to sit on a yoga/therapy ball which facilitates low intensity sensory movement. Therapy Ball seating is great for some kids who need to wiggle and move to help focus!
Children with IEPs
For those children with IEPs and require occupational therapy services from an OT For Kidz clinician, your child can be taken to a separate therapeutic location in the facility to be provided with their service
What Are The Criteria For The Program?
•Your child MUST be enrolled in a school which requires hybrid remote learning at home
•Your child must bring their own face mask and MUST tolerate wearing it during the day
•Your child MUST be able to work independently as if they were in their classroom or home AND follow adult instructions
•Your child MUST be able to sit for an extended period of time, however, please keep in mind they will be provided with movement/sensory breaks
•Your child must bring their own electronic device (laptop or ipad) with head phones and tolerate wearing them
•Your child must bring hand-sanitizer
What Else You Should Know?
• Staff and parents must wear masks and clean hands with hand sanitizer upon entry into our facility
• There will be a 10 child maximum for each day with supervision
• Structure is built into our daily activities to promote an organized program
• To minimize the risk of the covid-19 virus, each child must pass a temperature check screening prior to entering the remote learning room
•To limit in-building traffic the parent/caregiver must adhere to our quick remote learning sign-in/sign-out policy
• We are requesting for any child or family member who has traveled to any hot spots or who have knowingly been in contact with someone with Covid-19, to please avoid entering our facility, however, we look forward to seeing you again after 10 days
•Parents must provide lunch/snack AND adhere to our NO sugary junk food or drinks, NO nuts and NO strawberries policy
•This program will be offered Monday-Friday between 8 am-2 pm (up to 6 hours max). The parent MUST adhere to their child's scheduled days and pick up times MUST be by 2 pm. Parents are responsible for transportation
Daily Rate: $14 per hour
Pre-Paid Weekly Rate: $13 per hour
Pre-Paid Monthly Rate: $12 per hour
(No Refunds available for absences)