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Our Services and Programs
Open Tuesday-Friday 2:30-8:00 pm

Standard OT Evaluation


  • Parent/Caregiver consultation

  • Clinical Observation

  • Usually 1 or 2 standardized assessment tool are utilized

  • Focuses on fine motor skills (i.e. grasping/hand, visual motor, visual perceptual, motor coordination) 

  • Assess"general" sensory processing issues if need be

  • Parent Education and Recommendations

Sensory-Motor Evaluation


  • Parent/Caregiver consultation

  • Clinical Observation

  • Usually multiple standardized assessments are utilized

  • Multiple "functional" neuro-based assessments may be utilized to determine a specific type(s) of sensory processing disorder that may be influencing sensory-based behaviors (i.e. focus, impulsiveness, etc) and ability to perform age-appropriate skills

  • If possible, may include fine motor and cognitive-perceptual assessments

  • Parent Education and Recommendations

Ongoing OT Intervention

What to Expect:

  • For children up to 12 years old

  • We believe in "focus" therapy which means focusing on the part of the nervous system which exhibits the initial place of a processing breakdown.

  • Why? We use a bottom-up approach (brainstem to cortex). The brain process information multi-directionally, however, the majority of how the brain develops is from bottom to top! The brainstem is the glue that holds it together.

  • Treatment strategies are catered to each child's needs.

  • Yes! We accept RSAs authorization from your child's school district for free of charge ongoing service.

NOTE: Your child need to be placed on a 45 minute schedule prior to using this online payment service 

(paypal service charge applies)

Sensory Motor 

& Fine Motor Intervention

  • Therapy may focus on improving modulation and self-regulation skills for improving eye contact and interaction; improving orientation and attention to task; reducing  impulsiveness, tantrums and  level of distractibility.

  • Therapy may focus on developing grasping/hand skills, visual motor, visual perceptual, motor coordination, handwriting and other fine motor skills. 

  • Therapy may include multiple sensory-based strategies, use of auditory processing/sound therapies (i.e. iLs, interactive metronome, neuronet, therapeutic listening) as well as many other strategies.  

  • If your child is receiving services from a speech therapist, special educator, or another interventionist, we welcome them to schedule a visit at our center!  Collaboration and Teamwork is essential!

  • Sensory-Motor Intervention is helpful for children with difficulty in focusing, impulse control and difficulties in learning.

Intensive Therapy


  • An "Intensive" is designed to get quicker results in a shorter time frame. 

  • This is done by giving the nervous system sensory input with greater intensity, duration and frequency with the purpose of improving interaction, engagement with purpose, decrease impulsiveness and improve focus skills.  

  •  A typical intensive provides sensory-motor activities and strategies  3-4 sessions a week for 1.5-2.5 hours a day for 3 weeks. 

  •  An Intensive is also provided through our "Kidz In Motion" 5-day Sensory Integration Intensive Therapeutic Summer Program designed using a "camp-like" model. Children are involved in various sensory-based activities (i.e. therapeutic horse-riding, therapy in the pool, fun brain exercises, etc).  Offered in August right before school.  Yes...a brain "boot camp".  

Supportive Programs

in a Group!

Free screening is available!

45 minute classes 


  • We offer three cycles of a 6-week program for children at various handwriting levels Preschool to School-age children

  • Free screening is available!

  • 45-minute classes 

Click here for more info!



  • Free screening is available!

  • 60 -minute sessions 

  • Small Group (up to 3)

Click here for more info!



  • Designed for the child who can benefit from a small social group. Children are involved in group exercise, dance, sensory-motor games,  fine motor, etc,

  •  Some children live a routine cycle of school, home, and therapy. Kids need fun too in a social setting! They need the opportunity to carry over skills learned in therapy in a supportive social environment. 

  • Click here for more info!

What our parents are saying


"I can definitely say that my son progressed in many ways since he started attending OT For Kidz. The therapy he received benefited him not only at home, but also at school. Even though he has some ways to go, I find that he is less impulsive and more focused. He is socializing and communicating more with his peers. His fine motor skills has improved tremendously. I will certainly have my son continue his therapy at OT for Kidz and recommend them to any parent of children who is looking for

In Person or ZELLE Rate -$900

In Person or ZELLE Rate - $1,325

Individual Therapy Sessions
(45 minute Therapy pre-authourized discount packages available if existing schedule allows)

NOTE: Your child need to be placed on schedule prior to using online payment service 
 (paypal service charge applies)

30 minute Therapy  Session


Per Session

In Person or ZELLE Rate -$75

45 minute  Therapy Session


Per Session

In Person or ZELLE Rate - $105


      $231.75     $283.00



                     (0-5 years)                        (6+ years)

In Person or ZELLE Rate - $225 (0-5) & $275 (6+)

45-minute Discounted Individual Therapy Session Packets Below

Ten 45 minute Therapy  Sessions


 10 sessions Discount Packet

Fifteen 45 minute  Therapy Sessions


15 Sessions Discount Packet

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